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  • Welcome / It's Puppy Time

    It's Puppy Time! Pomsky Puppies We are fully Socialized Puppies Pomsky Retirees' Check out my DNA Pomsky FAQ Check out my DNA Puppy Time Emporium sets the health, breed and temperament standards in Pomsky breeding. PTE works with fellow Pomsky breeders around the world to produce the highest quality Pomskies available. To get on our waiting list for one of our adorable Pomsky puppies, fill out the form below. If you would like to inquire about financing your puppy, fill out the form below. We also have a homing program for our retired dames and sires. If you feel you may qualify. Please complete the form below. First Name Last Name Email message Sign Me Up Thanks for submitting! Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Pomsky Dames Pomsky Sires All About Pomskies How to Adopt FAQ Shenanigans Bringing a Puppy Home

  • About | Puppy Time Emporium

    Acerca de Puppy Time Emporium Nuestros estándares de salud Puppy Time Emporium siempre pone la salud física de nuestros perros en primer lugar. Los perros sanos producen cachorros sanos, por lo que es importante priorizar la salud de nuestros perros y cachorros reproductores. Utilizamos pruebas de salud específicas de la raza que detectan condiciones de salud genéticas relevantes para nuestra raza, herramientas clínicas y más de 210 variantes genéticas asociadas con enfermedades y condiciones de interés para la raza (p. ej., displasia de cadera y codo, enfermedades cardíacas y oculares). ) para disminuir la probabilidad de producir cachorros con condiciones hereditarias. Con más de 230 000 marcadores genéticos, nuestras pruebas de ADN detectan la consanguinidad más atrás en el tiempo, a lo largo de más generaciones, que los cálculos basados en el pedigrí. Si bien las pruebas de salud son un aspecto crítico e importante de nuestro programa de reproducción, es solo uno de los muchos factores que tomamos en cuenta para mantener nuestra práctica de reproducción. También consideramos otros aspectos de la salud de nuestros perros que no están cubiertos por exámenes de salud, como alergias, cáncer, problemas gastrointestinales, etc. Nos aseguramos de que nuestros perros reproductores y cachorros reciban la atención veterinaria y la nutrición regulares y especializadas que necesitan. Nos aseguramos de que nuestros perros sean criados a una edad adecuada (ni demasiado jóvenes ni demasiado viejos) y con una frecuencia que sea segura para su bienestar a largo plazo. Nos aseguramos de que nuestros cachorros estén bien criados y bien alimentados, y brindamos los cuidados necesarios para nuestros cachorros, como vacunas y desparasitación. Siempre estamos revisando los últimos desarrollos de investigación y actualizaciones en salud canina y cuidado veterinario y reuniendo información de consultas con expertos veterinarios y científicos, clubes de razas y la literatura científica relevante. En consecuencia, continuamos desarrollando nuevas políticas de práctica y observamos que nuestros estándares comunitarios, incluidas nuestras políticas con respecto a la salud física de los perros, están sujetos a revisiones continuas a medida que se dispone de nuevas investigaciones. Los perros esquimales también son generalmente saludables, pero pueden estar sujetos a algunos problemas de salud, que incluyen displasia de cadera, displasia de codo, hipotiroidismo, enfermedad de von Willebrand, cataratas, distrofia corneal y atrofia progresiva de retina. Conoce a los cachorros Pomsky y F3X Nuestro ambiente El medio ambiente es un factor crítico en la salud física, mental y emocional de los perros y cachorros reproductores. La mayoría de los criadores de buena reputación brindan a sus perros un entorno limpio, cómodo y seguro. Los criadores que brindan un entorno estimulante y enriquecedor tanto para los padres como para los cachorros ayudarán a garantizar que sus perros reproductores y sus cachorros prosperen. Puppy Time Emporium se especializa en mascotas para la familia. Brindamos oportunidades constantes para que nuestros perros participen en actividades como la recuperación o la natación, juguetes para jugar y cosas para masticar, y cómodas áreas de descanso protegidas del clima. Nuestros cachorros viven en nuestra casa y son tratados como nuestras propias mascotas. Reciben socialización regular de nuestros otros perros adultos, niños y adultos. Cada interacción es una experiencia de aprendizaje para ellos que puede afectarlos positiva o negativamente más adelante en la vida. vive pasando tiempo junto con los cachorros que nos rodean como lo experimentarían en sus hogares para siempre. Nuestro trabajo es mostrarles que las personas son amables y en las que se puede confiar. Los animales son amigables y hay suficientes recursos para que todos convivan felices. Desarrollamos nuestros estándares ambientales con un enfoque en el medio ambiente y el enriquecimiento familiar. Nuestra misión La misión de Puppy Time Emporium es;para perfeccionar nuestras razas, Aussiedoodles, un Pomskies en salud general, estándares de raza y temperamento deseado. ​ Conoce a los cachorros Pomsky y F3X Cumplir esta misión requiere planificación, habilidad y experiencia. Nuestras decisiones tienen en cuenta las condiciones de salud hereditarias que afectan a su raza, las pruebas de salud de cada perro individual y el temperamento de los padres, la salud general, los pedigríes y la conformación para hacer las mejores combinaciones, al traer al mundo cachorros que son saludable tanto física como conductualmente. Al tomar decisiones sobre nuestros programas de reproducción, Puppy Time Emporium siempre prioriza la salud física y emocional y el bienestar de nuestros perros reproductores por encima de todo, incluida la ganancia financiera. Estándares de salud mental Puppy Time Emporium garantiza que las necesidades emocionales y cognitivas de nuestros perros reproductores se satisfagan manteniendo la estimulación, la actividad y la interacción social adecuadas. También nos dedicamos a producir cachorros con un buen comportamiento, al permitir que nuestros cachorros tengan experiencias tempranas de vida seguras y estimulantes. Exponemos a nuestros cachorros a diferentes sonidos y sensaciones, a personas de muy diferente apariencia y edad, así como a otros animales, e iniciando un entrenamiento positivo básico. Esto asegura que nuestros cachorros estén preparados para transiciones exitosas a sus nuevos hogares. También nos aseguramos de que nuestros cachorros nunca dejen a su madre o compañeros de camada hasta que tengan la edad suficiente para hacer la transición fácilmente a su nuevo hogar, que generalmente no es antes de las ocho semanas de edad. Nuestro centrarse en el comportamiento y la socialización es fundamental para disminuir el abandono. Al desarrollar los estándares de nuestra comunidad con respecto a la salud mental de los perros, trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con otros criadores, como un paraguas, comunicamos rasgos y comportamientos heréticos descubiertos a partir de la observación y shared herramienta de evaluación del comportamiento canino, C-BARQ, de nuestras líneas de sangre. Esto ayuda a garantizar que nuestros perros tengan los más altos estándares de comportamiento disponibles. Consulte nuestra sección "Un día en la vida" en la página de preguntas frecuentes. Meet Pomsky & Arctic Spitz Puppies Comprador Ed. y Políticas El personal de Puppy Time Emporium dedica una gran cantidad de tiempo a los posibles compradores de cachorros para ayudarlos a tomar una decisión informada y responsable que sea adecuada para ellos. Compartimos las posibilidades de los resultados de las pruebas que identifican Más de 35 rasgos físicos, incluidos el color y la longitud del pelaje, el desprendimiento, el tamaño adulto y más. We También dedique una gran cantidad de tiempo a investigar a los compradores potenciales para asegurarse de que cada perro se ajuste bien a su nuevo hogar para siempre, además de ser transparente sobre nuestro programa y prácticas de cría. Hacemos todo lo posible para garantizar una transición sin problemas a su nuevo hogar para siempre al proporcionar toda la información y los recursos necesarios para que los nuevos propietarios sean tutores exitosos y responsables de su nuevo cachorro. Puppy Time Emporium se compromete de por vida con nuestros perros. Brindamos apoyo continuo a nuestros propietarios y, si surge algo, recuperaremos a nuestros perros y/o los ayudaremos a reubicarlos, por cualquier motivo, sin hacer preguntas. Estamos comprometidos a mantener a nuestros perros en sus hogares y fuera del sistema de refugio a través de la educación, la selección de compradores potenciales y nuestras políticas. Puppy Time Emporium ha desarrollado los estándares comunitarios más altos y éticos de la industria con respecto a la educación y las políticas del comprador. Follow us on Facebook Find us on Gooddog Follow us on YouTube Like us on Google Follow us on Instagram Like us on Yelp Folow us on TikTok Estar en contacto con alguna pregunta Para estar conectado,Envíanos un correo electrónico. ֿY como siempre, si crees que encontraste a tu cachorro perfecto, sigue este enlace a Good Dog y solicita al criador que te registre en la lista de espera.Buen perro Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Pomsky Dames (Moms) Pomsky Sires (Dads) How to Adopt FAQ Shenanigans

  • Our Pomsky Puppies | Puppy Time Emporium

    Nuestros cachorros Pomsky PTE cumple con todos los estándares de reproducción de AKC y le asegura a su cachorro la salud, los estándares de raza y el temperamento deseados más altos. Bella's DNA Profile Binx's DNA Profile Bella and Binx gave us the "Sand Lot" litter. We have been waiting a long time to use this theme. This six boy litter is just perfect. Bella is loving and sincere. Binx is so wonderfully playful. This litter will be sweet, wholesome, and a bit cantankerous. These boys should be about thirteen to twenty three pounds. We will know more as we get closer to the go home date. We are so proud to introduce our starting line up of; Benny, Squints, Yeah Yeah, Smalls, Ham, and Repeat. It's Puppy Time. The boys "go home" date is May 8th. Yeah Yeah and Smalls have found their forever families. Available Financing Adopted Benny - $1,200 Benny's highlight reel Squints - $1,200 Available Financing Squint's Application Squint's highlight reel Yeah Yeah - $1,500 Adopted Available Financing Smalls - $1,500 Available Financing Adopted Ham - $1,200 Adopted Available Financing Ham's Highlight Reel Repeat - $1,200 Adopted Available Financing Repeat's Highlight Reel Weeks - $1,200 Weeks's Application Available Financing Week's Highlight Reel Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Pomsky Dames Pomsky Sires FAQ How to Adopt Shenanigans

  • Bringing a Puppy Home | Puppy Time Emporium

    Bringing Your Puppy Home Puppy Time Emporium's, Things You Must Know When Bringing A New Puppy Home PTE subscribes to the methods of The K9 Training Institute. The information below came directly from their website, We highly recommend spending some time on their site before choosing your new puppy. And before bringing your new pup to its new forever home. Bringing a new puppy home is always exciting, but it is not all fun and games. Owning a puppy comes with several responsibilities too – you will need to understand new puppy training , research the best foods to feed your pup, and make a few changes around your home to keep things safe for your little one. This may sound a little overwhelming, and there is no denying that caring for a new puppy is demanding work, but this puppy training guide will share everything you need to know to give your pup the best start in life. PTE has a ground transporter we have vetted. Here is a direct link to there website for a quote. Cerulean Pear Pet Transportation ​ PTE has vetted TLC Flight Nanny for domestic and international deliveries involving air transportation. Puppy-Proof Your Home Puppy-proofing your home is one of those new puppy essentials that every owner needs to do. Puppies love to play with (and chew ) everything. Start by making sure that any electric cords are well hidden. Medications should be kept secure, and any other toxic substances that you have lying around, from glue to cleaning supplies, need to be placed well out of puppy reach. Trash cans also commonly pose a problem. While you can train your dog to leave these well alone as part of your new puppy training, you do not want to be tempting them with something so irresistible either. Stock Up on Toys Toys may not seem like new puppy essentials, but they really are. Puppies learn through playing. Toys also provide much needed mental stimulation and can be used in new puppy training too. Invest in a variety of toys for your new family member. A mix of chew toys, soft toys, treat toys, and interactive toys should cover all the bases! Establish a Routine About every puppy training guide out there will tell you that a routine is important. Even if you do not currently have one, develop one that you can follow for the first few months of your pup’s life. Dogs thrive when they have structure and routine – they will know what to expect each day and will adapt their behavior accordingly. Focus on Crate Training Even if crate training does not seem especially important now, it is still a key part of new puppy training. Granted, you may not use a crate in the house, but what happens if your dog needs to stay overnight at the vet for an emergency? Chances are that they will be kept in a crate, and if they have not been crated trained, this makes the experience even more traumatic. You never know when you will need the help of a crate, so make this a priority in your new puppy training. Create a Housebreaking Plan Housebreaking is what new puppy owners struggle the most with. Here is the good news – it can be done in just a few days , so long as you pick an effective method and stay consistent. If you do not yet have a housebreaking plan, do not worry – we can help . Research Puppy Foods One of the new puppy essentials that you will need to buy is a good puppy food . Do not go reaching for the cheapest option on store shelves, though. Most of the commercial dog foods available are of mediocre quality. You will need to do some research to ensure that you are feeding your puppy the best that you can afford. Meat (not meat meal) should be at the top of the ingredient list, and whatever you feed should not contain any unnecessary fillers. With that said, we know dogs eat grass, sticks, plastic, paper and whatever they can get in their mouths. Your puppy has been eating a mixture of Purina Puppy chow and Diamond naturals. If you chose to continue with that mixture, or move to one or the other, or move to another food altogether, your puppy should not have any intestinal discomfort as long as you do not go any lower in content quality. Decide on House Rules Every puppy training guide will stress the importance of consistency. This applies to all aspects of new puppy training, including house rules. Will your pup be allowed on the furniture, even when fully grown? Will they be allowed in the kitchen, or to sleep on your bed? Decide this in advance and then stick to it. This will make life much less confusing for your pup. As a result, they will learn so much faster . Don’t Let Bad Behaviors Slide Biting, jumping, excessive barking, begging for food – these are all quite common new puppy training problems. The issue is that many owners let it slide when a puppy first displays an unwanted behavior. In some cases, they may even accidentally reinforce it by laughing at how cute a puppy looks when doing something they should not. However, it is much easier to train the right behavior from the start, rather than retrain an unruly behavior. If your puppy does something that you do not want them to be doing in the future, put a stop to it now, before that behavior turns into an ingrained habit. Socialization is So Important So many puppies miss socialization at this key time in their lives. While being able to teach your puppy how to interact with other people and dogs is important, you can do this from a distance too, so that everyone stays safe. Take your pup on car drives around town. Or go on walks that expose them to different sights, sounds, smells, and experiences. Take Some Time Off As you can see, there are so many new puppy essentials to keep in mind when bringing a puppy home. If you are working long hours, this makes life even harder. Ideally, try to book a week or two off when your new puppy arrives. This will give you that much-needed time to bond with your pup. You will also be able to set basic rules and make a start on new puppy training. While this puppy training guide covers the basics, there is so much more to learn. Ideally, try to soak up as much new puppy training knowledge as possible before bringing your puppy home. Once they move in, life is going to become a little more hectic for a while. Fortunately, you are in the right place. Read our blog and website to familiarize yourself with all the new puppy essentials that you need to know. Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Aussiedoodles Aussie Shepherds How to Adopt FAQ Shenanigans

  • All About Pomskies | Puppy Time Emporium

    Nuestros padres daneses (papás) History of the Pomsky Pomskies are a young breed. Earliest reports are as early as 2009. Latest and officially being 2012. Since then, Pomskies have become one of the most popular breeds in the world. They are a "crossbred" dog, with a Siberian Husky female and a Pomeranian Male. While there are significant differences between these two types of dogs today, they are both "spitz" type dogs and share a common ancestor. In 2019, PomskyFest, an AKC sanctioned event. The AKC judges determined that American Eskimo would be a good addition as a progress towards AKC registration. A little about Breeding a Pomsky First generation pomskies have a purebred Husky Dam and Pom Sire. These are referred to as F1 or 50/50 Pomskies. This pairing requires artificial insemination as the size difference between the dogs isn't conducive to natural methods. Even though the genes are shared equally between the parents, these pups can strongly favor either parent in size or markings. Many breeders then produce an F1B litter: a purebred dog crossed with a regular F1 Pomsky. Genetically, this mix is known as a 75/25 cross as the majority of the genetic material is largely coming from one breed. Again, variability is common. A dog with two F1 Pomsky parents is called an F2 pairing. Technically, these dogs share a 50/50 gene pool but often produce the greatest degree of variety while beginning to stabilize the gene pool. F3 Pomskies have highly predictable outcomes, and are used exclusively in the introduction of the American Eskimo, to establish breed standards and perfect the Pomsky breed. These different breeding combinations are intended to produce dogs that look like a small Husky. With an ethical breeder, the pups get the best of both worlds. As both of these breeds are generally healthy, they tend to inherit fewer genetic disorders than some purebred dogs but this is not guaranteed as any pup can carry genetic diseases from either parent. Pomsky Temperament Temperamentally, Pomskies resemble a cross between their parents. In general, Huskies are active, friendly, confident explorers. Pomeranians are commonly family focused and alert to their environment. Pomskies tend to be in the middle of the range. F3X, (Eskimo) Pomskies add a high degree of trainability, making the F3X the perfect family dog. Although, it's both genes and how a dog is raised that will impact their personality. Puppy Time Emporium strives to breed you perfect pup, in overall health, breed standards and desired temperament. Our puppies are intelligent, friendly and socialized for you home. See the chart below. Temperament Husky Pomeranian Eskimo Pomsky F3X Affectionate w/Family 5 5 5 5 5 Good w/Children 5 3 5 4 5 Good w/Dogs 5 3 3 4 4 Shedding Level 4 2 3 3 3 Grooming Frequency 2 3 3 2 3 Drooling Level 1 1 1 1 1 Openness to Strangers 5 3 5 4 5 Playfulness Level 5 3 3 4 3 Protective 1 4 3 2 3 Adaptability Level 4 4 4 4 4 Trainability Level 3 3 4 3 4 Energy Level 5 3 4 4 4 Barking Level 5 4 3 3 3 Mental Stimulation Needs 4 3 3 4 3 ​ Coat Type Double Double Double Double Double Coat Length Medium Long Medium Medium Medium Height (Toy) 6-7 In 9-12 In 8-12 In 9-12 In Height (Miniature) 12-15 In 12-15 In 12-15 In Height (Standard) 15-19 In 15-19 In 15-19 In. Height (Male) 21-23.5 In Height (Female) 20-22 In Weight (Toy) 3-7 lbs. 6-10 lbs. 5-10 lbs. 6-10 lbs. Weight (Miniature) 10-20 lbs. 10-20 lbs. 10-20 lbs. Weight Standard 25-35 lbs. 20-35 lbs. 20-30 lbs. Weight (Male) 45-60 lbs. Weight (Female) 35-50 lbs. Life Expectancy 12-14 yrs. 12-16 yrs. 13-15 yrs. 12-15 yrs. 13-15 yrs Pomsky Specific Traits Most Pomskies have a thick double coat. All Pomskies shed. Some seasonally, and others year round. Regular grooming will minimize the amount of hair and dander around the house. Pomskies are not hypoallergenic. Eye color and markings can change noticeably up to about one year of age. Some Pomskies are "talkers". They get this trait from their Husky genes. All F3X Pomskies find a way to effectively communicate. They get that from their Eskimo genes. Pomskies Need Activity A tired dog is a good dog. And Pomskies are smart, and require regular exercise. A smart, bored dog with pent up energy will get into trouble. This can be avoided with a routine, mental stimulation, and a proper activity regimen. Pomskies have been know to train their owners and can accomplish remarkable feats to ensure their owners deliver a regular supply of treats and toys. Pomskies, especially the F3X is easier to train or housebreak than many more willful breeds. You puppy is highly socialized at Puppy Time Emporium. We strongly encourage socializing Pomskies with other dogs and people (after completing the appropriate vaccination sequence) to continue the assurance that their behavior is predictable and appropriate in the future. The Future of the Pomsky The Pomsky future is bright, and purposeful. This wonderful breed has captured the hearts of million's around the world. And there are many efforts to standardize the Pomsky. The leader in this effort is the American Pomsky Kennel Club. Below is the list of their standards. Puppy Time Emporium uses these standards to help evaluating our dogs and puppies. Illustrated American Pomsky Kennel Club Breed Standard 2023 American Pomsky Kennel Club® Illustrator: Ariel Carpenter BREEDS Pomskies were originally created using a Siberian Husky female and a Pomeranian male, using methods of artificial insemination due to the size differences between these two Spitz breeds. With the AKC judge sanctioned event of PomskyFest in March 2019, the judges were able to physically look over the variety of Pomsky combinations and generations. They determined that the American Eskimo was a good addition as we progress towards AKC recognition. As 50/50 mixes of Husky/Pomeranian, the dilemma presented was that the Siberian Husky is a ‘square’ dog and the Pomeranian is a ‘triangle’ shape dog. The addition of the American Eskimo not only further contributes to the ‘square’ design that works best with this breed, there have been improvements to the coat texture, temperament, and shedding season of these mixes. As we progress, additional breeds may be considered as experimental as the kennel club considers what would be best to improve the overall look and body structure of this newly emerging breed. POMSKY SIZES/WEIGHTS TOY Under 10” tall at the shoulder, and up to 15 pounds. MINI Up to 14” at the shoulder, and between 12-20 pounds. STANDARD 14-18” tall at the shoulder, and between 20-35 pounds. Dogs that fall between categories should be judged by height rather than weight. Categories do have some overlapping weights for this reason. As this is a newly emerging breed, dogs that do not exactly fit the sizing category should not be disqualified. That said, Pomskies should NOT be overweight, they are designed to be athletic dogs. The goal for Pomskies is not to create a Husky masked Pomeranian. Rather, it is to create a smaller version of a Husky. Thus, Pomeranian body features, such as deep stop, head shape, and dainty legs are all considered as faults. See the individual components of Pomskies below: HEAD POMSKY SKULL composition should be in balance with the body, slightly rounded on top and tapering from the widest point to the eyes. Neither too large or too small for the frame of the dog. Expression is friendly, curious, and at times, mischievous. FAULTS: Too broad or too narrow, nor have an ‘apple head’ or prominent bulged forehead common in other breeds like the Chihuahua. When toy Pomskies are produced, the ‘apple head’ shape should be avoided. American Pomsky POMSKY EYES will be almond-shaped, moderately spaced, and sized. FAULTS: Too oblique, lack of angle or downward, or set too close or too far apart. Bulging eyes, off-set directions, and excessive tear stains. POMSKY EYES may be brown, amber, green, gray or blue in color; Heterochromatic, one of each or parti-colored are acceptable. POMSKY EARS of small to medium size, triangular in shape, close fitting and set high on the head. They are thick, well furred, slightly arched at the back, and strongly erect, with slightly rounded tips pointing straight up. FAULTS: Ears too large in proportion to the head, too wide or low set on the head, or not strongly erect. POMSKY MUZZLE of medium width, tapering gradually to the nose, with the tip neither pointed nor square. Muzzle of medium length equal to about 1/3rd of the head; that is, the distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the occiput. The stop is well-defined and the bridge of the nose is straight from the stop to the tip. Lips are well pigmented and close fitting. FAULTS: Muzzle either too short or too long. Stops too oblique or too angular(deep). Droopy lips. Clipped lips due to over/under bites. POMSKY TEETH closing in a scissor bite. FAULTS: Under and overbites greater than 1/8” and teeth not closing in a scissor bite pattern. POMSKY NOSE is black in gray, tan, or black dogs; liver in chocolate and sable dogs; may be flesh-colored in pure white dogs. Snow nose/nose bar can be seasonal and is acceptable in Pomskies. FAULTS: Abnormally shaped or small nostril openings. Too small or too large of a nose or not proportionate to overall facial structure. POMSKY NECK is medium in length, arched, and carried proudly erect when dog is standing. When moving at a trot, the neck is extended so that the head is carried slightly forward. FAULTS: Disproportionate to the overall body structure. Neck that is too short and thick, or too thin and long. POMSKY TOPLINE is straight and strong with a level topline from withers to croup. It is of medium length, neither cobby nor slack from excessive length. The loin is taut and lean, narrower than the rib cage, and with a slight tuck-up. The croup slopes away from the spine at an angle, but never so steeply so as to restrict the rearward thrust of the hind legs. FAULTS: Weak or slack back, roached back, sloping topline. Disproportionate length to the overall body structure. POMSKY SHOULDERS. The shoulder blade is well laid back. The upper arm angles slightly backward from point of shoulder to elbow, and is never perpendicular to the ground. The muscles and ligaments holding the shoulder to the rib cage are firm and well-developed. FAULTS - Straight shoulders; loose shoulders. POMSKY OVERALL COMPOSITION Solidly built, with moderate bone. Male reflects masculinity, without coarseness. Bitches, femininity but without slightness of bone. Athletic build preferred. In profile, the length of the body from the point of the shoulder to the rear point of the croup is slightly longer than the height of the body from the ground to the top of the withers. FAULTS: Torso too long or short for body. Legs too long, too delicate, or short for body. POMSKY CHEST is deep and strong, but not too broad, with the deepest point being just behind and level with the elbows. The ribs are well sprung from the spine but flattened on the sides to allow for freedom of action. FAULTS - Chest too broad; "barrel ribs"; ribs too flat or weak. POMSKY FORELEGS: When standing and viewed from the front, the legs are moderately spaced, parallel and straight, with the elbows close to the body and same length from wither to elbow and elbow to ground, and turned neither in nor out. Viewed from the side, pasterns are slightly slanted, with the pastern joint strong, but flexible. Bone is substantial but never heavy. Dewclaws on forelegs are recommended to be kept, if present. FAULTS - Weak pasterns; too heavy bone; too narrow or too wide in the front; out at the elbows. POMSKY PAWS - Oval in shape but not long. The paws are medium in size, compact and well-furred between the toes and pads. The pads are tough and thickly cushioned. The paws turn neither in nor out when the dog is in a natural stance. FAULTS - Soft or splayed toes; paw size not in balance with rest of body; toeing in or out. POMSKY HINDQUARTERS angulation balances that of the forequarters. Buttocks are well behind the set of the tail. Thighs - moderately muscled with good pastern development. Upper thigh and lower leg length are equal. Stifles - strong, moderately bent and clearly defined. Legs - when viewed from the rear straight and parallel to each other. Hocks when viewed from the side are perpendicular to the ground and strong. Paws same as forequarters. Hind Dewclaws are not common in most lines but may be removed without fault. FAULTS - Cow hocks, knees turning in or out, patella weakness or lack of soundness in legs or stifles. Lacking good pastern development. Leggy, not in balance with rest of body, and following overall breed standard body composition. POMSKY GAIT should be similar in form to their Husky counterparts; light, graceful and with ease. Fore/hind legs move and meet together on the same side of the body. Pomsky body proportions and form reflect a balance of power, speed and endurance. In proper condition, with muscle firm and well developed, the Pomsky does not carry excess weight. FAULTS - Crabbing, crossing, clunky gaits. POMSKY TAIL is profusely covered with long, harsh spreading hair forming a plume. The well furred tail of fox-brush shape is set on just below the level of the topline, and is usually carried over the back in a graceful sickle curve when the dog is at attention. It can be snapped over the back as is typical in Pomeranians or may follow the Husky standard sickle. FAULTS - Tightly curled “piggy” tail. Not well-furred tail. Hanging or tucked tail. Sitting too high or too low on the body. Lack of plume, lack of curl or too short/long. POMSKY MASK - As the goal of Pomskies is to create a miniature version of the Siberian Husky, Husky masks are highly desirable. However, markings should not be the most important judgment when choosing your breed stock. Body structure, health, and temperament are first priority. POMSKY COAT has four acceptable coat types, all double-coated and giving a well-furred appearance. Guard hairs of the overcoat are straight and somewhat smooth lying, never harsh nor standing straight off the body. It should be noted in the absence of the undercoat during the shedding season is normal. ● Standard - short length, dense fur, generally 1” in length ● Plush - medium length, dense fur, generally under 3” in length (may also be coined ‘Medium’) ● Wooly - long length, dense fur, generally more than 3” in length ● Extreme Wooly - This can also be defined as a triple-coat. Thicker and longer coat than a typical wooly. Pomsky fur often has a kinky texture from the Pomeranian, as well as the addition of the ruff around the neck and the thigh and hind leg skirting, this is not a fault. It has been noted that the addition of the American Eskimo to the breed lines has created a silkier texture to the fur. For judging events, each coat type should have its own category. If there are not sufficient participants for multiple categories, the dogs should be judged on the structure and not coat type. POMSKY COLOR As Pomskies are a mix of both the Siberian Husky, Pomeranian, and American Eskimo breeds, all color combinations that are naturally occurring in the parental breeds are acceptable, and are not considered a disqualification. Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Aussiedoodles Aussie Shepherds How to Adopt FAQ Shenanigans

  • Our Pomsky Partners | Puppy Time Emporium

    Our Partners Regarding our Partners; to be the best, one must align with the best. Puppy Time Emporium, (PTE), has vetted and hand picked our partners who will enhance your puppy adopting experience. PTE's goal is to be the Gold standard in Pomsky breeding. To be this, we create your perfect future family member in health, traits, temperament, and breed standards. Then, with the help of these partners, we provide you with the perfect puppy purchasing experience. Our Proudly Endorsed Partners Good Dog provides us a marketing venue among the top breeders in the world. Good Dog also provides for the new puppy parents; piece of mind that they are dealing with the best breeders in the business, a life insurance option at the time of purchase, and a payment venue, for ease of purchase. Good Dog is on a mission to connect good with good and improve canine health at both an individual dog and a population level. Good Dog uses community standards to evaluate programs consistently. Every member of the Good Dog community must pass a screening process and meet or exceed Good Dogs community standards before joining Good Dog. Trupanion goes beyond traditional pet insurance. With clear coverage and unlimited payouts for care, you don’t have to worry about your best friend’s unexpected veterinary costs. And with our promo code, you receive with your puppy, you will have insurance for the first 30 days as long as you activate your promo code the day before, the day of, or the day after pick up. BAXTER and Bella puppy training helps puppy owners successfully integrate a dog into their lives, their families and their homes! They love all things pet parenting and believe by helping families train their own dogs to be calm, well-mannered and better-behaved, more people will experience the joys of lifetime canine companionship, and more dogs will remain in loving homes where they belong! BAXTER and Bella techniques are what we use at PTE to create our confident and well socialized puppies. As one of PTE partners, BAXTER and Bella is offering all PTE family members, a 25% discount on a lifetime 24/7 online subscription. Click on the BAXTER and Bella above, and enter code PTE25. NuVet has been making the finest nutritional pet supplements since 1997. Their mission is to provide your pet with products that are completely safe, nutrient-rich and formulated to strengthen the immune system and give your pet many healthy years of life. NuVet guarantees that if after trying their product, you are not satisfied for any reason, follow the link on their website, and they we will give you your money back. NuVet has also provided a discount code, (727080), for all PTE Family members. Cerulean Pear will Transport your pet anywhere around the United States. No destination is too far. Provide communication 24/7 so you always know your pet's exact location. Cater to your pet's specific needs to give them the most comfortable ride possible. PTE uses Cerulean Pear exclusively for all ground transportation of our precious pups. TLC Flight Nanny is USDA Certified, Insured and a member of the Animal Transportation Association. TLC Flight Nanny service comes with the peace of mind that less time traveling means less stress for you and your new fur babies. PTE uses TLC Flight Nanny exclusively for all non-ground transportation of our precious pups. Animal Medical Center of Brooksville , Our Main Veterinarian, Dr. Karen Taylor ​ Silverthorne Animal Clinic , Our Fertility Specialist, Dr. Gerald Johnson ​ Sumpter Mobile Vet , Our Health Certifications and Onsite Inspections, Dr. Lucero Veterinarian Emergency Group , Our Afterhours/ Emergency, Dr. Bill Peters

  • PuppyTimeEmporium| Vacation

    Puppy Time Emporium is on Vacation We will be back from our much needed vacation the first week of August. For those of our PTE family members looking to reach us. you can contact us through text. Or reach out to our PTE Family Facebook group.

  • How to Adopt | Puppy Time Emporium

    Cómo adoptar En Puppy Time Emporium nos gustaría agradecerle por considerarnos para su nuevo danés o Pomsky asied a tu familia Elegir un criador para proporcionar a su mascota y miembro de la familia a largo plazo es una elección importante y nos sentimos honrados de que nos elija. En Full Disclosure, comprenda que Puppy Time Emporium no puede garantizar los resultados de ninguna reproducción. La mayoría de los emparejamientos dan como resultado una camada, pero es posible que algunos no. Si estás en lista de espera y un apareamiento da como resultado una camada, recibirás un cachorro si hay suficientes cachorros para atender nuestras solicitudes. Si no nacen suficientes cachorros en una camada, su posición sube en la lista. Se le ofrecerá un cachorro de una camada disponible en el futuro después de los que le preceden. Es importante recordar que las camadas tienen diferentes recuentos de género, por lo que no podemos garantizarle un género determinado. Si no podemos proporcionarle el sexo de su cachorro solicitado, se le ofrece cambiar de sexo o ascender en la lista como se describe anteriormente. No hace falta decir nada; si está abierto a cualquier género, esto ayuda a su capacidad de recibir un cachorro antes. Puppy Time Emporium intenta cumplir con su solicitud de preferencia de camada o preferencia de género siempre que sea posible. La prioridad de la lista de espera se basa en la fecha en que entrevistamos y recibimos su depósito. Puppy Time Emporium se reserva el derecho de seleccionar primero cualquier camada que produzcamos. Tenemos años de experiencia emparejando cachorros con sus hogares perfectos. Cada cachorro tiene una personalidad diferente al igual que los humanos. Si consideramos que ha elegido un cachorro que no coincide con su estilo de vida y su cuidado previsto para el cachorro, tenemos el derecho de rechazar su elección. Como criador, nos hemos reservado el derecho de ejercer o no un contrato de compra hasta el momento de la recogida cuando firmamos un contrato de cachorro. El cachorro que elijas cambiará a medida que el cachorro se convierta en adulto. La actitud, el comportamiento y el temperamento de tu perro adulto se basarán en cómo entrenes y cuides a tu cachorro. Ser exigente con el cachorro que elijas no dará como resultado el perro perfecto. Dedicarse a entrenar y amar al cachorro es lo más importante para desarrollar el perro perfecto para usted y su familia. Puppy Time Emporium quiere que nuestros clientes entiendan que los cachorros son únicos y dinámicos y necesitan entrenamiento continuo a medida que crecen. Gran entrenamiento es igual a una gran mascota. No podemos garantizar cómo resultará su cachorro cuando sea adulto, pero podemos garantizar que no entrenar a su cachorro puede resultar en un adulto rebelde o difícil. Si en este momento siente que está listo para tener una mascota, siga los pasos a continuación. ​ Paso 1. Lea el Acuerdo de lista de espera a continuación. La mayoría de nuestros cachorros encuentran su hogar en personas de nuestra lista de espera. Esta vez les da a nuestros padres cachorros tiempo para crear los mejores hogares para su nuevo cachorro. Este tiempo también nos permite más tiempo para hablar sobre el cuidado de su nuevo cachorro. La planificación a largo plazo beneficia a nuestros cachorros y a nuestras familias de cachorros. Y les da a las personas más variedad para elegir cuando puede elegir entre múltiples camadas futuras. Cuando recibamos su depósito, se le pedirá que programe una entrevista. Una vez entrevistado, será incluido en nuestra lista de espera de cachorros. El depósito de su lista de espera se utilizará para la compra de un cachorro. Este no es un contrato para la compra de un cachorro. Este es un acuerdo de depósito para ser puesto en nuestra lista de espera. Este acuerdo no es válido hasta que nos hayamos conocido en persona o por chat de video en vivo. Si todo le parece bien, vaya al paso 2 Paso 2. Vaya a nuestra página "Cachorros disponibles" para ver las próximas camadas. Si encuentra un cachorro del que le gustaría obtener más información, puede ir a nuestra página de contacto. Si uno de nuestros adorables cachorros te derrite el corazón, mira el paso tres a continuación. ​ Paso 3. Para su protección y los muchos beneficios que proporciona, Puppy Time Emporium utiliza el proveedor externo Good dog para todas las transacciones. Visite para ver las credenciales y la clasificación de criadores de Puppy Time Emporium, y todos los servicios y la educación que Good dog brinda a los padres de Puppy Time Emporium. Y Recibirá un recibo de Good dog inmediatamente para sus registros. NO aceptamos pagos con cheque. ​ Sus costos: El depósito es de $500 independientemente del precio del cachorro que elija. Esto se destinará al pago final de su cachorro. El costo total será de $ 1800- $ 6000 dependiendo de la herencia y la apariencia del cachorro que elija. Haga clic aquí para completar nuestra solicitud de cachorro. (Este enlace lo llevará a ​ How to adopt one of our Breeding Dogs Puppy Time Emporium will often retire dogs used in breeding our program. These dogs have been pampered and groomed for breeding your perfect puppy. They have all shot, medical records, and DNA testing, They are spayed or neutered. We charge a nominal fee for these dogs to assure they are going to a loving home capable of giving them the furever home they deserve. If you are interested in getting on the waiting list for one of these fantastic special, and loving pet. Please link to our Gooddog page and fill out an application. Please reference "Furever Retired" below. ​ Click here to fill out our Puppy Application. (This link will take you to Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Aussiedoodles Aussie Shepherds How to Adopt FAQ Shenanigans

  • Pomsky Shenanigans | Puppy Time Emporium

    Travesuras de cachorros Galeria de VIDEOS For Video's of our Puppy Shenanigans, Visit our YouTube Page Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Pomsky Retirees All About Pomskies How to Adopt FAQ Shenanigans

  • FAQ | Puppy Time Emporium

    Preguntas frecuentes When do I get to choose my puppy? Our wait list is priority based. When we receive your deposit and have conducted an in person or video interview. "Pick Week" is no later than the 6th week after the puppies are born. We will provide this date shortly after the puppies are born. We start the process as soon as we have all the information needed to make informed decisions. Information needed an informed decision depends on what the buyer is looking for. Some examples are; Embark DNA results for breeding, Emotional Support Animal potential, body size possibilities, eye colors, fur length, fur texture, temperament, and more that a future parent may need. Once the first person on the list makes a choice, we will notify the next person on the list. We will go down the waitlist in order from1st Pick, to 2nd Pick and so on. Each person gets enough time that they need to make their decision before moving on to the next. What happens on pick day? Our puppies are in a highly controlled environment for your quality purchase and your puppies safety. I mean, you don't want just anyone handling your future family pet. On pick day, we can make arrangements for you to see your puppies through the preferred live video chat. We can send pictures and/or videos. And we can do this more than once. We also have amply opportunities for you to view you future family member from our "Shenanigans" Page. Pick day often turns into pick week. And that is fine with us. We want you to be absolutely sure with your decision. We would love to be able to meet you in person. More than half of our puppy families are out of state, and with the ample time they take for their decision, in-person pick day visits just are not possible. We think that being able to choose your puppy in your time, allows you to see which one you feel you have the most chemistry with. between pick day delivery day, you will have ample time to view your pup in videos and have many opportunities to speak with the Puppy Time Emporium staff that spends the most amount of time with you future family member and ask as many questions as you want. We just ask that you be flexible and patient until your turn comes and we will do our very best to accommodate everyone’s needs. Do I pay for my puppy on pick day? No, your $500 deposit and interview allows you to participate in pick day. Your final payment is not due until it is time to take your puppy home. And if you do not find a puppy to your liking, you can either have your deposit returned or wait for the next up coming pick day. What are my options on pick day, when it’s my turn to pick? Each person on the wait list has the choice of picking or not picking from the available puppies and waiting for the next litter. Our wait list is a rolling list that is not specific to any particular litter. Most of our puppy parents choose a puppy as soon as they can. We have had a few, for various reasons, that decide to pass on the current litter. And we have close relationships with other breeders who are also working on perfecting the breed, and looking for very specific traits. And please understand that because Puppy Time Emporium is always working on perfecting the breed, we always reserve the right to first pick. We do not keep a puppy from every litter. Our place is always included in the wait list count. Why would someone choose to pass on their turn to pick? For several reasons. But the most common reason is that timing is just not right for them at the moment. Life happens and we understand that your circumstances may change. And one of the goals of Puppy Time Emporium is that our puppy is perfectly matched to their forever parents. That is why, at Puppy Time Emporium, you can always pass on a litter, and you can always get your deposit back. If deposits go up, you will be notified of either a full refund or the opportunity to increase to the updated amount. Moving, divorce, a new baby, new job, even another pet’s needs may require your immediate attention at the moment. At Puppy Time Emporium, you are never forced to bring home, or even pay for a puppy if the time is not right for you. Sometimes people and especially fellow breeders have a particular litter that they would like to receive a puppy from and they signed up to go on the list early to get one of the first picks of their preferred litter. Regardless of the reason, even if you just don't like the choices of puppies you are presented, if you don't fond a puppy to LOVE, either ask for a full refund of your deposit or wait for the next litter coming you way shortly. That is one of the reasons we require a video chat prior to your initial deposit. We want to talk to you about your dream puppy. we want that honest conversation so we can assist you with what we are expecting in our upcoming litters. The more we communicate, the better we can match you to the perfect puppy for your home, lifestyle and personality. How long can I keep passing on litters? Forever. We ask that you keep us up to date on your needs. And that you be willing to update your deposit if needed. Puppy Time Emporium will never force you to purchase a pet you are not in LOVE with, or keep your money. Can I get a refund on my deposit if I do not find a puppy? Puppy Time Emporium will never force you to take a pet you do not want or feel is not a fit. If you are not in love when it is your turn to pick either wait for the next litter if after the third first pick holder position has passed, you get your deposit back. We don't want your money if you don't want a puppy. We recommend that if you are sure that you choose Puppy Time Emporium to be your breeder, sign up as soon as possible to have the most options when it comes time to picking puppies. But if you are not 100% sure that you want us to be your breeder, that is completely fine and you should shop around more until you find the best fit for what you are looking for. Adopting a puppy is a huge decision that you should not take lightly. Do your research and make sure you are 100% onboard to adopt from Puppy Time Emporium. Ask us a thousand questions. We are happy to answer all of your questions until you feel comfortable with your decision. What happens after I choose my puppy? Normally you will choose your puppy in week 5. After you choose your puppy, Puppy Time Emporium will send you the official purchase contract for your puppy that both you and Puppy Time Emporium will sign. (You should receive a purchase contract template before signing for your review. Please ask for a copy if you have not received it). Because of our strict policies; no puppies will be allowed placement until they are at least 8 weeks old, have their shots updated, and through ally checked out by a vet. Most puppies head to their forever home in the beginning of their 8th week. What happens to the puppies that do not get chosen by the waitlist? Once everyone on the wait list has made their decisions, any remaining puppies available will be sold to the public with the same high standards. When are payments due? You will only make two payments to Puppy Time Emporium, the initial deposit that allows you to participate in the waiting list, and the final payment that must be made in full by the time your puppy is received. Payment may be made in person on pick up day as well if using a method that does not have a processing time delay. The puppy will not leave until they are paid for in full. Why does it seem your puppies are expensive. These are not dogs that live in the back yard and eat Old Roy. Our females don't just get pregnant by some male while we are at work. Eight weeks later, we don’t come home to a pile of cash nursing on the mom, just we can wait another 8 weeks for that tidy sum to mature so we can cash in. That is not how it works. Each year, dignified ethical breeders spend tens of thousands of dollars on the pursuit of perfecting the breed. It is nothing for a breeder to get a call and fly half way around the world to get the exact dog that will help the breeder better the blood line in pursuit of perfecting the breed. Expenses such as quality food, quality care, vet bills, health tests, DNA tests, cleaning supplies, (tons of cleaning supplies), electricity for our climate controlled breeding area, whelping boxes and resting area, water, and monthly medications are things that breeders pay for year round. When we have puppies, they do not leave our sight for the first 8 weeks, we call it #teamnosleep because we don’t sleep. We monitor nursing (every two hours, 7 days a week for weeks), we bottle feed, we tube feed. We pour ourselves into these tiny little lives to the point where sometimes we become sick ourselves. We cancel our lives: vacations, school plays, weddings, anniversaries, births and birthdays... everything is on hold when we have puppies. When we don’t have babies, we still have the daily upkeep of our dogs. We also use this time for research, training and further educating ourselves so that we can perfect the breed by producing the healthiest, perfect standard, socialized puppies possible. So, yes, we work very hard keeping these amazing pups not only alive, but healthy, well adjusted and ready for their new families. We take pride in our dogs, and we spare no expense on the proper training, and raising of our pups, and that is all reflected in the price of our puppies. If it doesn't work out with my dog, can I bring it back? Yes, we want to be your first call. We do not give refunds. But we do offer consignments for rehoming through us. That way we and you can rest assure that your pup will find the best possible home to meets its needs. What is "puppy uglies", and do Pomskies get them? YES. In fact, Pomskies get them so bad, they are also called Pomsky uglies. This is when a puppy is in their awkward teen phase. Think braces/zits/oily hair stage of tween/teen human life. DON’T PANIC! It’s a very normal stage, especially for Pomskies. You get your adorable, little fuzzy ball of Pomsky energy. Then around month 4-5, you start noticing that the puppy looks like it’s wearing a hoodie with some weirdness going on around his face. His ears outgrow his body, he gets all legs, clumsy and gangly. Then around month 6, the growth has significantly slowed down - but he may be close to being bald with new fur coming in and you wonder if you made the right decision with this expensive dog. Congratulations! You have made it to the “puppy uglies.” Some Pomskies fare better than others. Some move gracefully into their adult coats. Others, like one of my girls, ended up looking like a vampire, bald, and more than uncomfortably similar look to a Chupacabra! The good news is that they do grow out of it. Take this awkward stage with some humor and lots of pictures. Then starting around 10 months, they will begin to grow their adult coat. By the time they are 14months or so, they will look like what their permanent look will be. The tail tends to continue to grow, and the coat will continue to bloom. Do Pomskies bark a lot. Not as much as you would think. Pomskies are generally quiet. They are Not watch dogs. They love everyone. And Pomskies like to talk. When pomskies bark, it is more like singing. Pomsky owners call this the Pomsky Scream. What comes with my puppy? A secured transaction through Gooddog. And an option for a full year life insurance policy through Gooddog. In your “Pomsky Swag Bag” is; 1). Florida health certificate 2). Brief description of Pomskies 3). Brief description of training techniques 4). 30-day health insurance policy through Trupanion 5). Discounted offer through BAXTER and Bella for lifetime, online puppy training 6). Starter dog bowls 7). Puppy food sample 8). Chew toy 9). Interactive indoor play toy 10). Outside play toy 11). Paw wipes 12). Leash and Harness 13). Pop-up travel bowl 14). Litter scent blanket 15). Brush 16). Nail clippers 17). Waste bags 18). Treats Do I have to use Gooddog to purchase my puppy? No. BUT, we strongly encourage you to use Gooddog for your transaction because of all the benefits Gooddog offers. We and Gooddog recognize the rare occasion where you are purchasing a puppy for a spouse or loved one and wish to not let your spouse or loved one know how much you are paying. For those special arrangements, we ask that you work with us. and we will require a "Final Payment" be made through Gooddog. Click HERE to link to the Gooddog benefits. Un día en la vida Nuestros cachorros viven en nuestra casa y son tratados como nuestras propias mascotas. Reciben socialización regular de nuestros otros perros adultos, niños y adultos. Cada interacción es una experiencia de aprendizaje para ellos que puede afectarlos positiva o negativamente más adelante en la vida. Así es como se ve un día normal en la vida de sus cachorros. Su cachorro se levanta para dar un paseo supervisado al aire libre, ayudando en el entrenamiento para ir al baño. Se revisan las áreas de los padres y los cachorros, se ve como un día normal. Seguimos con nuestras vidas normales, cocinamos, hacemos el trabajo escolar, limpiamos y simplemente pasamos tiempo con los cachorros que nos rodean como lo harían en sus hogares para siempre. Nuestro trabajo es demostrarles que las personas son amables y en las que se puede confiar. Los animales son amigables y hay suficientes recursos para que todos convivan felices._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Aussiedoodles Aussie Shepherds How to Adopt FAQ Shenanigans

  • Our Pomsky Sires | Puppy Time Emporium

    Nuestros Pomsky Sires (Papás) PTE cumple con todos los estándares de reproducción de AKC y le asegura a su cachorro la salud, los estándares de raza y el temperamento deseados más altos. This page keeps all of our Sires DNA, even after our Dads have retired. Zuko Button DOB: 5/22 Weight: 25 lbs. Health: DNA Cleared, 4% COI Binx Button DOB: 08/20 Weight: 18 lbs. Health: DNA Cleared, 4% COI Shadow Button DOB: Weight: 14 lbs. Health: DNA Cleared, 5% COI Nimbus Button DOB: Weight: 14 lbs. Health: DNA Cleared, 5% COI Loki Button DOB: 05/08/2020 Weight: 27 lbs. Health: DNA Cleared, 5% COI Marco Button DOB: 06/03/2023 Weight: 15 lbs. Health: DNA Cleared, 2% COI Links to our most visited pages About Puppy Time Emporium Pomsky Puppies Pomsky Retrees All About Pomskies How to Adopt FAQ Shenanigans

  • Our Pomsky Retirees | Puppy Time Emporium

    Our Pomsky Retirees These wonderful dogs have been the life of our family. They have been the best moms and dads. And they deserve the very best homes. We have bread some of these precious pups, traveled to what seems like the ends of the earth for some, and rescued others. Each of these little wonders' make great companion dogs for retiree's, widow's and emotional support pets. Their stories are priceless. We will tell their lucky new family all about their special stories. And obviously, we are very picky as to who receives any of our special family members. Marco is one of those puppies who came out with personality plus. He has a devilish grin. He prances. He has a sideways swagger. And he has a smile with a non-stop wagging tail. This well behaved little cutie always puts a smile on your face. Marco is crate trained, doggy door trained, little box trained, and loves being part of a family. This little flirt is red and carries blue. His coat is a short plush. almost a easy and care free as he is. Marco would love for you check him out and give him his forever home. Marco's DNA Profile Marco's Application Kramer is one spunky little dude. He is full of personality. Kramer was bred to be one of our pomsky/eskies. He has a great coat, great markings, great DNA, and a great husky mask. He is up for adoption because his legs are a little short, out side of breed standards. Kramer has been a wonderful family member, loved by all. And he loves everyone he meets. He is litter box trained, house broken, doggy door trained, and crate trained. Kramer is very intuitive to his humans personality. He is playful around the kids and much calmer around the adults. He loves to cuddle and give kisses. Kramer's DNA Profile Kramer's Application

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